
My son has been pretty sick so I haven't put up a new post for awhile...But I finally got my speedlite for my camera! So I've been trying some different things & I am liking the results! (Although, I do need to stock up on some really good batteries now!) I took a couple pictures using the flash at different angles to get different results! 

Flash set forward

Flash bounced from ceiling

Flash bounced from mid-right

This is an example of the flash level set all the way up and facing your subject...not a very good result!

This was again a bounced flash from off the ceiling! Very nice color and lighting!

This is the difference between the built in flash and an attached one! You get a lot of noise (with the built in flash) and the flash glare which does not look very pretty at all! (These pictures were not edited in anyway-only added copyright)

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